DiscoverX22 Report[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441
[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441

[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441

Update: 2024-09-031


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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureEU countries are no importing more gas from Russia than the US. Inflation is coming down, because it's manipulated and they need the Fed to cut the rates. Gov hiring caused inflation. [KH] plans will increase inflation, and destroy the economy. Musk sends message, we need to restructure the Fed and use tariffs to fund the Gov. The [DS] is now pushing their last attempt to take back control. They are now preparing chaos, riots and cyber attacks, while the economy implodes and they bring us to war. They need to do this to stop Trump and the people from taking back the country. If the lights go out, remember the patriots are in control. Kash Patel is letting everyone know that this is a possibility.


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 , recording a similar drop as during the 2008 Financial Crisis. As a result, expectations are now at levels seen in the 2015-2019 period. Furthermore, 1-year inflation expectations in the University of Michigan consumer survey fell to 2.8%, the lowest since December 2020. The first rate cut since 2020 is coming this month.

 means that most of the employment growth over the last few months has come from government jobs. Over the last 1.5 years alone, the government created nearly 1 million jobs, the most since the 1990s. Meanwhile, the private sector hiring rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest level since April 2020. Truly concerning.

Why Kamala Harris Will Not Bring Prices Down... Her Plan Needs Inflation

The reality is that the Kamala Harris plan, like all interventionist governments, creates and strives for inflation. Inflation is a hidden tax. Governments love it and perpetuate it by printing money through deficit spending and imposing regulations that harm trade, competition, and technological creative destruction. Big government is big inflation.
Inflation is the way in which the government tricks citizens into believing that administrations can provide for anything. It disguises the accumulated debt, quietly transfers wealth from the private sector to the government and condemns citizens to being dependent hostages of government subsidies. It is the only way in which they can continue to spend a constantly depreciated currency and present themselves as the solution. Furthermore, it is the perfect excuse to blame businesses and anyone else who sells in the currency that the government creates.
Kamala Harris will do nothing to cut inflation because she wants inflation to disguise the monster deficit and debt accumulation. 
Governments do not reduce prices. Governments create and perpetuate inflation by printing currency that loses value every year.

Socialism redistributes middle-class wealth to bureaucrats, not rich to poor.
Massive government spending, constantly increasing taxes, and printing money. A plan to reduce the economy to serfdom.



• What the deep state uses most to cover up their corruption is an   illegal application of the classification system • Take for example what FBI...
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[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441

[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441

X22 Report